- 1 Used Chainsaw - Nice, Steel
construction.Used for cutting bone and other human debries. Price negotiable.
Call Keith at 716-223-7415.
- 1 Dozen Whores
- Slightly Used. Still turns profit. Ranges from tight to somewhat-loose.
Dial 1-800-ERHO for more details and free test run.
- Virtual Sluts-In search of satisfying
virtual pleasure? Tired of the same old hos? Well, Check us out!!!..goto
- Dishwashers Needed
- Do to recent buisness influx, we need trained dishwashing specialists.
No experiance or green card required, only willingness to work under the
table. Great benifits include free meals and friendly work enviornment.
Call Scott for more details and 1-800-ASS-RIPP.
To Buy
- Drug House For Rent
- Fine 6 room half house within walking distance from schools and brothels.
Basement prime for green house or lab. Convieneces include 4 functioning
bathrooms (for hiding the evidence), hole-in-the-wall decor, and hidden
stash compartments. Call Bubba (395-2234) for more info.
to Sell
- Nipple Clamps - New or Used. Must
adhere to K-9 skin. Call Dogg at 716-297-4469